Your Construction Site Needs Security Guards

Houston is one of the fastest-growing major metropolises in the United States of America. With that growth comes lots of construction operations.

In all major cities in Texas, especially Houston, we have ongoing road construction, new building construction, the expansion of existing structures, and more. With all of this construction comes lots of pricey equipment, which is often a top target for thieves. Whether we’re talking about tractor-trailers, the tires on the tractor-trailers, parts from the machines, or the entire machines themselves, these are valuable assets that should be protected by armed security guards.

Construction Work Sites Are Vulnerable

Construction sites that lack any form of security monitoring are extremely vulnerable to crime which exposes the operator to massive losses. The theft of certain equipment can cost a delay in the project, which could end up costing millions.

With that in mind, the best solution to protecting your assets and the integrity of your construction project is to hire an armed security guard. The security guard or guards will serve as a countermeasure to vandalism, theft, and any unintentional actions by unauthorized personnel which could damage property or delay the construction project.

Leveraging Security Guards Can Save A Business

Oftentimes, thieves aren’t concerned with actual construction equipment but are more interested in stealing the catalytic converters off of vehicles that may be left on site. Furthermore, some thieves may be after expensive wiring and copper that may be part of residential or office building construction.

Leveraging the service provided by companies such as ours can limit or completely eliminate the vulnerability that most Houston area construction firms face during nonwork hours.

For example, back in May of 2022, a Houston-area lawn company operated by veterans was the victim of serious theft of all or most of its equipment.

This equipment theft occurred in Pasadena, TX. Thieves stole a trailer full of lawn care and landscaping equipment. It goes without saying that these men are unable to work or make a living until they replace or recover their equipment.

To add insult to injury, this same landscaping company suffered from a similar theft back in 2019.

Could this theft have been avoided?


If the landscaping company had kept their equipment on their property, as opposed to a storage facility, the theft might have been prevented. If the landscaping company had hired security guards to ensure the security of their equipment, the theft might have been prevented. If the storage facility had security guards on site, protecting their clients’ property as they probably should, this theft would have been prevented.

In short, there is no security without security.

If you’re the owner of a Texas business and need the added peace of mind of knowing your livelihood is protected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by an experienced, armed security guard team, contact Enforce Security Services, Inc. today at 832-709-0333. We provide armed security guard services in Houston, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio, TX.

Enforce Security Guard Services